Events history

In 2016, STEEL ARENA held 34 matches of the Slovak hockey league, 1 international ice hokey match and 25 other events.

Europe Stars Supercross Tournament - 7.400 spectators
10. výročie STEEL ARÉNY (2 days) – 11.000 spectators
Slovensko – Rusko (friendly international ice hockey match) -
7.500 spectators
Ľadová show Máša a Medveď (2 performances) – 8.000 spectators
Alenka v krajine zázrakov – musical – 3.500 spectators
Harlem Globetrotters – 90 rokov – 2.100 spectators
SLOVENSKO – ŠVÉDSKO (men's handball) – 7.000 spectators
Ján Pavol II. Spomienka na 1. Slovanského pápeža – 6.000 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

SCORPIONS – 7.800 spectators
Pavol HABERA – 5.300 spectators
Miro Žbirka – ROAD TO ABBEY ROAD – 7.200 spectators
BRYAN ADAMS – GET UP TOUR 2016 – 6.500 spectators
ELÁN TOUR 2016 – 7.500 spectators
KINGS OF ICE 2016 – Jevgenij Pľuščenko - 4.500 spectators
OMEGA TESTAMENTUM – 7.500 spectators
IMT SMILE hiSTORY (16.12.2016) – 6.800 spectators
IMT SMILE hiSTORY (17.12.2016) – 6.800 spectators

Total: 60 events, which were seen by about 270.000 viewers.

In 2015, STEEL ARENA held 41 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 11 other events.

Europe Stars Supercross Tournament - 4.900 spectators
STEEL ARÉNA LASER FEST – 8.300 spectators
Slovensko – Bielorusko (friendly international ice hockey match)
- 7.500 spectators
Ľadová show Máša a Medveď (3 performances) – 10.150 spectators
Rozprávkoland – Šmolkovia – 2.830 spectators
STEEL ARÉNA WINTER FEST – 5.100 spectators
Ján Pavol II. Spomienka na 1. Slovanského pápeža - 4.830 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

ALEXANDROVCI – European tour 2015 – 6.100 spectators
EROS RAMAZZOTTI - Eros World Tour 2015– 8.300 spectators
DRACULA – a tribute to the authors – 4.130 spectators
IMT SMILE a LÚČNICA (14.12.2015) – 6.800 spectators
IMT SMILE a LÚČNICA (15.12.2015) – 7.460 spectators

Total: 52 events, which were seen by about 230.000 viewers.


In 2014, STEEL ARENA held 41 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 26 other events.

Basketbalové zápasy GOOD ANGELS - about 4.000 spectators/match
Svet Práce Veľtrh práce a rozvoja 2014 – 10.000 spectators
STEEL ARÉNA JUMPING show – 3.000 spectators
Slovensko – Fínsko - 8.300 spectators
Volejbal – 9.000 spectators
Free Style motocross – 4.880 spectators
No Počkaj! – 7.000 spectators
Mikulášska megapárty – 4.100 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

Skupina LUCIE – 6.100 spectators
Paul Van Dyk – 2.960 spectators
BOB DYLAN – 2.410 spectators
ELÁN – Best Of. vol. 2 – 9.350 spectators
Piotr Rubik – The Best Of – 4.460 spectators
Michal David – 5 300 spectators
IMT SMILE a LÚČNICA (18.12.2014) - 7.600 spectators
IMT SMILE a LÚČNICA (19.12.2014) - 7.700 spectators

Total: 67 events, which were seen by about 300.600 viewers.

In 2013, STEEL ARÉNA held 38 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 16 other events.

JAMIROQUAI (opening ceremony of the EHMK 2013) - 6.570 spectators
Hviezdny večer – 3.390 spectators
Koncert integrácia – 9.000 spectators
Výstava ABC Stavebníctva – 6.700 spectators
Svet práce 2013 – 8.450 spectators
Basketbal GOOD ANGELS – Jekatering – 7.670 spectators
Basketbal GOOD ANGELS – Bourgers – 8.720 spectators
Freestyle motocros – 6.600 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

Lucie Bíla - Černo-Bíle turné 2013 – 3.640 spectators
Kabát – 8.050 spectators
DJ Antoine – 2.960 spectators
Tichá noc s ALEXANDROVCAMI – 6.610 spectators
IMT SMILE – 7.790 spectators
The Tenors – 3.370 spectators
Miro Žbirka – 6.460 spectators

Total: 54 events, which were seen by about 226.605 viewers.

In 2012, STEEL ARÉNA held 40 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 24 other events.

Koniec sveta - 5.000 spectators
Spiaca krásavica – 2.200 spectators
Music City Košice – 1.100 spectators
Koncert integrácia – 9.000 spectators
Výstava ABC Stavebníctva – 12.000 spectators
Volejbal – 4.000 spectators
Slovensko – Bielorusko, hádzaná – 6.000 spectators
Beauty – Aréna Košice – 6.000 spectators
Slovensko – Dánsko - 7.000 spectators
Popoluška – 4.500 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

Bíle Vánoce Lucie Bíle – 6.500 spectators
Piotr Rubik – Opisanie Świata – 6.500 spectators
STING: Back to bass Fall Tour – 8.000 spectators
Armin Van Buuren – 5.500 spectators
Back to the 90´s – 4.300 spectators
Habera & TEAM – 5.700 spectators
Michal David – 9.300 spectators
Yamato – 3.800 spectators

Total: 64 events, which were seen by about 306.400 viewers.

In 2011, STEEL ARÉNA held 42 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 24 other events.

Otvorenie tréningovej haly - 8.200 spectators
Hokej SVK - Švédsko, 2. zápas - 15.500 spectators
MS 2011 - 101.100 spectators
Hádzaná SVK - Čierna Hora - 7.990 spectators
Volejbal Final Four - 6.270 spectators
CHC 2012 - 11.250 spectators

A hostili sme aj napr. také hviezdy:

Pink Floyd Show - 3.750 spectators
Kabát - 11.300 spectators
David Guetta - 4.500 spectators
Roxette - 8.540 spectators
DJ Tiesto - 4.000 spectators
Elán - 4.200 spectators
Olympic - 5.400 spectators
No Name - 3.850 spectators
Mejdan Roka - 9.400 spectators

Total: 66 events, which were seen by about 433.000 viewers.

At the same time, we opened the Training hall in 2011.

In 2010, STEEL ARÉNA held 40 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 25 other events.

Free Style Motocross - 5.800 spectators
Cassovia Hockey Cup - 14.000 spectators
ABC stavebniny -10.000 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

Eros Ramazzotti - 8.300 spectators
50 Cent - 4.500 spectators
Pljuscenko - 4.800 spectators
Dracula - 8.000 spectators
Lord Of Dance - 3.500 spectators
Elton John - 5.600 spectators

Total: 65 events, which were seen by about 265.000 viewers.

In 2009, STEEL ARÉNA held 40 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 24 other events.

Free Style Motocross - 5.200 spectators
MS v kulturistike - 2.000 spectators
Cassovia Hockey Cup 2009 - 11.000 spectators
Slovensko - Česko a Slovensko - Bielorusko hokejový dvojzápas - 15.000 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

Labutie jazero - 2.500 spectators
Buena Vista - 3.500 spectators
Lord of Dance - 6.000 spectators
Jevgenij Pľuščenko - 6.500 spectators
Scorpions - 6.000 spectators
Kleopatra - muzikál - 7.200 spectators
Disney LIVE! Mickey‘s Magic Show - 8.800 spectators
Enrique Iglesias - 6.500 spectators
Fontána pre Zuzanu - 3.200 spectators
Leny Kravitz - 5.800 spectators
Dj Tiesto - 8.200 spectators
Desmod+Kalinka - 5.000 spectators
KOOL AND THE GANG - 5.500 spectators
Karel Gott - 6.400 spectators
Vianočný koncert KE 2009 - 3.000 dspectators
Gregorians - 4.200 spectators

Total: 64 events, which were seen by about 326.000 viewers.

In 2008, STEEL ARÉNA held 40 matches of the Slovak hockey league and 35 other events.

STEEL ARÉNA Racing Fest - 4.300 spectators
ME v zápasení juniorov - 4.000 spectators
SLOVENSKO - ŠVAJČIARSKO - 7.500 spectators
CASSOVIA HOCKEY CUP 2008 - 10.000 spectators

Hostili sme napr. takéto hviezdy:

Night of the Jumps - 10.000 spectators
Yamato - 3.500 spectators
Jevgenij Pljuščenko - 6.500 spectators
Pavol Habera a Team - 6.000 spectators
Carmen - 4.500 spectators
Andrea Bocelli - 6.500 spectators
Lord of the Dance - 8.800 spectators
Ruskí kozáci - 3.000 spectators
Daniel Landa - 5.200 spectators
Disney Live! Macko Puf - 6 performances
SPIRIT OF BROADWAY - 2.800 spectators
The Australian PINK FLOYD Show - 4.500 spectators
Jevgenij Pljuščenko - „Pán ľadu 2“ - 6.500 spectators
Vanessa Mae - 6.300 spectators
NO NAME Tour 2008 - 4.000 spectators
SEAL - 5000 spectators
Jean Michel Jarre - 6.500 spectators
ELO - 4.200 spectators
ELÁN - 5.500 spectators
Disney on Ice - 8 performances

Total: 75 events, which were seen by about 455.000 viewers.

In 2007, STEEL ARENA hosted 32 competitive matches of the Slovak Extraliga, six friendly matches, and two interstate matches of our national hockey team. Matches of our hockey players were seen by about 230.000 spectators, which is an average of 6.380 spectators per match.

International matches in basketball and ice hockey.

We have hosted stars such as:

NO NAME,DESMOD,I.M.T.SMILE at the STEEL ARÉNA RACING FEST event - 1st anniversary of STEEL ARÉNA’s opening - 6.500 spectators
YAMATO - 5.100 spectators
KIM WILDE - 6.200 spectators
ALEXANDROVCI - – which have performed here 2 x times this year and had STEEL ARENA hopelessly sold out
Balet IGORA MOYSEJEVA - 3.200 spectators
100-Členny CIGÁNSKY SÚBOR - 3.500 spectators
LÚČNICA - 3.000 spectators
HOLIDAY ON ICE - 9 shows nearly sold out

Total: 60 events, which were seen by about 365.000 viewers.

Civic Association Košická aréna has always placed high goals and succeeds to convince others by fulfilling them. We offer you an overview of the most important events that STEEL ARENA hosted.

In 2006, STEEL ARENA hosted 24 competitive matches of the Slovak Extraliga, and five friendly matches. We proved, with the attendance we reached, that the interest in ice hockey in Košice compared to other cities in Slovakia is far higher. Not only because of STEEL ARENA, but mainly due to the performance of our team have you fans found your way to STEEL ARENA. Throughout the year, 152.000 spectators attended the matches of our hockey players, which is an average of 5.630 spectators per match. In addition to hockey games, many other non-hockey related events for which there was an enormous interest were held in STEEL ARENA thanks to the help of various agencies.

Slávnostný ceremoniál – ARÉNA OTVOR SA – 7.500 spectators
Talent night 2006 – 5.100 spectators
Deep Purple – 6.200 spectators
Autosalón na ľade – 9.800 spectators
Bryan Adams – 9.200 spectators
Na skle maľované – 6.250 spectators
Labutie jazero – 6.200 spectators
Legendy na ľade – 4.800 spectators
ELÁN – 6.300 spectators

Total: 36 events, which were seen by about 253.000 viewers.

In 2017 STEEL ARENA held 34 matches of the Slovak hockey league, 1 international ice hokey match and 14 other events.

Jesus Christ Superstar - 4.200 spectators
11. výročie STEEL ARÉNY (2 days) – 11.000 spectators
Slovensko – Fínsko (friendly international ice hockey match)
– 5.200 spectators
Ľadová show Máša a Medveď – 5.400 spectators
Madagaskar (2 performances) – 4.600 spectators
Školfest – 6.500 spectators
SIMPLY THE BEST – 1.600 spectators
Labutie jazero – 3.000 spectators
Popoluška (2 performances) – 9.800 spectators

We have hosted stars such as:

Alexandrovci – European tour 2017 – 7.000 spectators
KABÁT – 11.000 spectators
PINK FLOYD Project Lt. – 4.200 spectators
The best of OMEGA – 6.000 spectators

Total: 49 events, which were seen by about 201.000 viewers.

Košická aréna

Nerudova 12
040 01 Košice

Company ID: 35556501
VAT ID: SK 2021839941


+421 55 300 96 66

facebook steelarena

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